Level Up Quickly in Last Epoch: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you tired of spending countless hours grinding through the same campaign content in Last Epoch? Do you wish there was a faster way to level up your character and dive into the endgame content? Well, look no further! In this guide, we’ll walk you through the most efficient methods to level up your character quickly, saving you time and effort.

Skipping the Main Campaign

The main campaign in Last Epoch is expansive and can be time-consuming to complete, especially after your first playthrough. However, did you know that there’s a way to skip large portions of it and level up your character rapidly? Here’s how:

  1. Complete the Campaign with Your First Character: Your first character must fully complete the main campaign. This unlocks the ability for subsequent characters to skip most of it.
  2. Unlocking Dungeon Keys: As you progress through the campaign with your main character, collect keys for dungeons like Lightless Arbor and Soulfire Bastion.
  3. Utilize Dungeon Keys on New Characters: Once your new character reaches the appropriate level (around 20-22), use the dungeon keys obtained from your main character to access dungeons like Lightless Arbor and Soulfire Bastion.
  4. Skip Through Dungeons: Completing these dungeons will allow you to skip large portions of the campaign, advancing your character quickly to higher levels.

Efficient Leveling Strategies

Now that you’ve skipped the bulk of the campaign, it’s time to focus on efficient leveling strategies to reach level 50 and beyond. Here are some tips:

  1. Run Monoliths: Monoliths offer a fast-paced alternative to traditional leveling. Focus on completing objectives efficiently rather than engaging in unnecessary battles.
  2. Prioritize Movement Skills: Incorporate movement skills into your build to traverse the game world quickly. Movement skills like Transplant for Warlocks can significantly increase your mobility.
  3. Enhance Movement Speed: Equip boots with movement speed bonuses to further boost your mobility. Consider using Runes of Ascendance to upgrade boots to legendary quality for additional bonuses.
  4. Optimize Monolith Runs: Complete all three quest echoes within each monolith to maximize experience gain. Focus on completing objectives swiftly to progress through monoliths efficiently.
  5. Unlock Empowered Versions: Once you reach level 50, unlock and complete the empowered versions of monoliths to access higher-level content and expedite your leveling process.

Maximizing Passive Points and Idol Slots

To fully optimize your character’s potential, it’s essential to maximize passive points and idol slots. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Complete Temporal Sanctum: Run the Temporal Sanctum dungeon in the Ruined Era to gain access to the Divine Era, skipping significant campaign sections.
  2. Progress Through Mala’s Upper District: Complete quests and side quests in Mala’s Upper District to earn passive points and unlock additional idol slots.
  3. Focus on Side Quests: Don’t overlook side quests, as they offer valuable rewards, including passive points and idol slots.


By following these strategies, you can level up your character rapidly in Last Epoch, bypassing tedious campaign sections and diving straight into the action. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking to level alts quickly or a newcomer eager to experience endgame content, these tips will save you time and effort on your journey through Eterra. So, what are you waiting for? Level up fast and conquer the challenges that await you in Last Epoch!

Remember, the key to success lies in efficiency and optimization. Happy leveling, and may your adventures in Last Epoch be filled with excitement and triumph!

For more guides and all the latest news about Last Epoch, check out MMOexp. Cheap Last Epoch Gold for sale here!

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